Site Map

This page lists all the contents of the site. Click any underlined entry in the list to get to the appropriate page. Entries without underlines are informational and are not linked to pages.

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About the Pleasant Brook Association

    Official Documents

        Declaration of Trust
            HTML text with plain-language summary
            PDF copy of original typescript

            HTML text
            PDF copy of original typescript

Who Belongs to the PBA


         Informal map indicating membership
                shows current lot outlines identified by house number

         Peacock Farms Subdivision Plan VI
                the map cited in the PBA Declaration of Trust: using the
                lot numbers on the plan, it legally defines the area subject
                to the trust's provisions

         Registered Land Plan 27502B
                cited in some legal documents, this plan includes some but not
                all the lots in the PBA area; it assigns different lot numbers
                from the subdivision plan

         Town of Lexington Property Maps
                used by the assessors' office; show current lot outlines and
                another different set of numbers that appear on property tax
                bills (just the parts of maps 8 and 14 that cover the PBA area)

         Map of Peacock Farms and Pleasant Brook areas
                taken from the Peacock Farms 50th anniversary booklet; highighted
                to show properties that belong to both associations

     Table of house lots and numbers
                shows corresponding numbers on subdivision plan, property map,
                and (if applicable) registered land plan

     Anomalies and Interesting Sidelights

Property Use Restrictions

     Official Documents

         Deed restriction document
                incorporated in deeds by reference to numbered copies filed in the
                South Middlesex Deeds Registry
                    HTML text with partial plain-language summary
                    PDF copy of original typescript

         PBA "Architectural Restrictions" document
                adopted and published by the association in 1970
                    HTML text
                    PDF copy of original typescript

     Checklist of Restrictions
                includes all restrictions from both official documents; link to PDF copy
                for ease in printing

Assistance in Using the Website

Who to Contact

This page last updated 8/24/2005